Sunday 28 February 2010

If Carlsberg made high street stores...

If you follow me on Twitter then you’ll know that I few weeks ago I visited the H&M store on Grand Via Madrid and left with a stripy t-shirt and a new favourite store.

This place was unbelievable. The clothes on the shelves we no different to your standard H&M, but the store itself was very different. Decked out like a Victorian palace the entrance hall had a huge chandelier and two winding staircases while the centre piece of the menswear department rivalled the Royal Palace just down the road. I couldn’t resist taking a few pictures, even if I did get told (3 times) not to by security. The things I do for my blog!

1 comment:

  1. レイバンclubmasterのこと、最近とても気になります。そのクラシックなデザインといい、レイバン サングラスらしい作りといい、すべてが傑作と言えるでしょう。数あるレイバン モデルの中で、今のイチオシモデルと思って、おすすめしたいです!
